We talked about how glad we are that we can do this writing project together. That we can talk to each other, even though our conversations have changed. That we can write together. We talked about careteams who can’t do that, for whatever reason. All the things that can get in the way of telling your person how much you appreciate them, from cognitive challenges to disassociation, empathy fatigue, depression, and being caught in grief. Communicating feelings can be difficult in the best of conditions.

Our first journaling prompt:
In the letter style of Kai Cheng Thom’s Falling Back In Love With Being Human, write a loving letter to caregivers, in general
using some specifics of our life
to illustrate a point,
Or specifics from our friends’ lives we’ve seen that stuck with you,
But only in aid of connecting to this act that is larger than our situation,
& that we are all just trying to find our way through needing our own care & encouragement.

A further, more detailed set of journaling prompts:
Mom, I don’t think you ever suggested or asked that I come back
- What would you of now say to me of then?
- What would you say to me when I was scared in the hospital?
- What would you say to me when I was trying to go about my life first—I feel guilty about that now.
- What would you say to me when I decided to dedicate to your caregiving and move in together?
- What would you tell me on our best days?
- Quiet moments
- The days I’m so bored, so frustrated?
- What do you see me do? Both inward (emotional work) & outward (chores)? (I learned from you)
- What would you say to me when I’m cross or having a snappy day? (you don’t have to be an angel)
- What would you say on my darkest days?
- When I can’t see a future that doesn’t terrify me.
- What do you want me to know when I go to sleep?
- What do you want me to know when I wake up in the morning?
Follow this link to read where these prompts took our writing.
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